About Town
Friends for Our Riverfront is all about making Memphis a better place to live. Here are some pictures of our volunteers about town.
Earthday Day, April 22nd,

brought big crowds to Lichterman Nature Center. All ages were there to have a good time and learn more about conserving our natural resources.The FfOR booth was a busy spot. Volunteers were on hand to answer questions about the Public Promenade and harbor and to discuss potential uses of the public's space on the Bluff.
The 25th Annual Outdoors Inc. Canoe and Kayak Race,

brought a record number of paddlers and viewers to Jefferson Davis Park for a beautiful morning on the river. There was time to talk and visit with lots of "Friends" about our incredible treasure along the riverfront.
On April 29, volunteers from Servathon and Hands on Memphis cleaned up the Cossitt Library grounds. It was a windy, rain-threatened morning, but, with special thanks to Becky Beaton, the 14 volunteers with their 28 hands made a big difference.
Here are some "before"

and "after" photos.

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