Veterans Day Parade
FfOR salutes our many U.S. Military Veterans in Memphis and Shelby County. We are deeply grateful for your dedicated service in the defense of our nation.
The 20th annual Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Memphis will begin at 10 a.m. Tues. Nov. 11 at Exchange and Second and move down Second to Monroe. The parade will feature veterans, current military personnel, school bands, and ROTC units. It is sponsored by American Legion Post 1.
On an historical note:

Memphis 1941 —
"In the last light of evening on Sunday, 7 December 1941, a careful observer could have noticed a small but significant change in Memphis. At the Tennessee end of the Harahan Bridge, Memphis' only road link over the Mississippi River, four Memphis policemen stood guard. Armed with shotguns, the policemen patrolled the bridge from the Tennessee state line to the Memphis entrance while four searchlights illuminated the bridge pilings and traffic lanes. Across the river, Arkansas State Highway Police ensured the security of the western end of the bridge. Monday morning's edition of The Commercial Appeal carried Police Commissioner "Holy" Joe Boyle's announcement that the police stood ready to meet any emergency with "20 machine guns, of which 16 are new, 20 pump [shot]guns, four high-powered rifles, tear gas guns and ammunition."(1) The United States was at war, and Memphis was ready."
-- From World War II and Memphis, TN Click here to read more.

A famous Memphian in uniform and the crew of the Memphis Belle photographed in England in 1943.

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