Final Meetings Leave Mud Island's Future "muddy"
The question asked: What do you want to do at Mud Island River Park?
The item with the highest consensus of multi-age public interest, enthusiasm, and support was unquestionably a skatepark.
At the 3rd public meeting, we were shown 3 color-coded land use/zoning maps without specific details and told the final decisions were in the hands of the RDC who will work with the architects on a plan to present to City Council.
What will that plan be? Will there be a skatepark at Mud Island River Park?
A comment to Mary Cashiola's article on the meetings for the Flyer may best sum up the public mood:
(Fade in)
RDC: We want public input at this meeting.
PUBLIC: Most of us want a skatepark.
RDC: Okay, we'll go with restaurants.
(Fade out)
Here's the original RDC plan for Mud Island River Park.

Click "read more" below to see the 3 land use maps.
(Click on maps to enlarge.)
Map #1

Map #2

Map #3

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